Our Constant Pursuit for Balance and Optimal HealthTrying to achieve optimal health and a balanced life is something nearly all of us struggle with. Life is busy, and always changing and I understand that trying to eat healthy and live green seems overwhelming to many people. But achieving a healthier and more balanced lifestyle does […]
Archive | May, 2013

Why I Live This Way
Over the years I have been repeatedly challenged, questioned and sometimes criticized for eating and living an organic green lifestyle. I find most people are just curious, intrigued and are eager to learn more about healthy eating and living. However, sometimes I find myself explaining and even defending my choices and way of life. Is […]

The Problem with Parabens
Look around your kitchen and bathroom and you might be amazed with how many lotions, soaps, shampoos and cosmetics contain parabens. Many companies love to use parabens because it is cheap and increases the shelf life of the product(s). Most people are not aware of how toxic parabens can be and in fact researchers are […]

Picking the Proper Oil
There are so many different types of oils, each with its own unique flavor and nutritional makeup. Olive oil for example is often referred to as a “healthy oil”, and used in salad dressings, cooking, sauteing, and sometimes baking. However, many people are unaware that most olive oils are sensitive to high temperatures and have a low smoke […]

Wellness Consultations
I am just too tired… I do not have enough time… It is way too expensive… My children are picky eaters…. My husband is a meat and potatoes kinda guy… I am a foodie, I like my food to taste good, not like cardboard…. Everyday, people give me excuses as to why they can not […]

Grass Fed Beef
The first question nearly every male wellness client that I meet with is, Can I still eat beef? (then generally followed by the question, can I still drink beer?) YES, you can eat beef! In fact, I encourage you to eat beef 2 times a week, but there is one stipulation, it MUST be beef […]

A Must-Watch Video
If you have been to one of my wellness gatherings, you have heard me give an overview of why certain foods can be harmful to your health and suggest healthier alternatives. Many of you have heard me talk about GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organisms), food coloring, the unethical treatment of many animals… I am on a […]

Naughty Noodles
In case you have forgotten from your elementary school years, the USDA food pyramid looks like this. It is recommended that we eat 6 – 11 servings of bread, cereal, rice and/or pasta everyday. Now the government is on a mission to decrease childhood obesity, yet they recommend that the average American eat 6 – […]

Tower Garden
If you have been around me the past few months, you have heard me vent about the issues with our produce and the mass production of Genetically Modified Foods and Organisms (GMO’s). I have been working diligently to help others be able to find the most nutritious and healthy foods for themselves and their families. […]

Sunscreen- What is Safe and What Isn’t?
There has been a lot of press lately about the possible toxins and harmful ingredients in sunscreen. To most parents, this is a very concerning issue. We all know the importance of using sunscreen to help protect us from UVA and UVB rays and hopefully decrease our chances for skin cancers and sunburns. Now we […]