Super Kale

One of my dearest friends taught me how to make this dish and it immediately became my favorite dish, ever!  I have served this to many people, all different age groups (little kids to elderly) and everyone LOVES it.  My neighbors literally stop by my house to find out if I have any kale salad made, people drop off heads of kale at my house to have me make it for them.  Well here it is, the infamous kale recipe. Make, eat, enjoy.


  • 1. Wash kale, peel off stems and throw away stems, tear kale into smaller pieces and put into a large bowl. Do not cook Kale, this recipe calls for RAW KALE :)
  • 2. Mix olive oil, vinegar, soy sauce, honey, ginger and 2 pressed cloves of garlic all together.
  • 3. Blend well, then pour over kale, massage dressing into kale with your (clean) hands.

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