Almost Homemade Spaghetti

I have often used zucchini as a pasta substitute.  For a great recipe please see the following link:

For a great recipe to substitute squash for pasta please see the following recipe and make sure to watch the less then 1 min video, it shows you how to make squash pasta in less then 10 mins.:

I like to serve this with sauteed green beans with garlic or my kale salad


  • 1. put beef, bread crumbs, and egg in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and pepper mix well, then make into round balls, brown in a skillet (preferably an iron skillet)
  • 2. Put browned meat balls in to crock pot, then add the 2 jars of organic pasta sauce, cook on very low heat for 3 plus hours.
  • 3. Serve with brown rice pasta I like to serve this with sautéed green beans with garlic or my kale salad

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