What Pantry TakeOver Clients are Saying…
As a person pretty much set in my ways of cooking (40 years’ worth), I was so impressed with the attitude of ‘trying things a little bit at a time’ to see what works for me. I did not feel pressure of making so many changes at once. Making a few changes has made a tremendous difference in the way I feel and I lost 7 pounds without even thinking about it. My goal is to continue to live a healthier, cleaner lifestyle. Pantry TakeOver is always there to answer any questions I might have and to give me new and different ideas and tidbits of knowledge. I am very grateful!
Lynne Felton
I’ve benefited so much with the assistance of Pantry Take Over. I’ve only been a client for two months and I’ve experience major results as my overall physical appearance has changed, my skin is glowing, I have more energy and I feel healthier. I’m so thankful that I was introduced to Pantry Take Over!!
Joyce Rhines
Janell has completely transformed the way our family eats! She’s found healthy and delicious substitutes for the foods we love, eliminating the “junk” and adding in lots of nutrients we’ve been missing. We actually prefer her substitutions to the originals! Now we consume whole foods and avoid processed foods, which now taste different than they used to and not nearly as appealing. Selling me was a piece of cake, but I was surprised to find she was able to convert both my husband and daughter to a healthier lifestyle. Enlisting the help of Janell and Pantry TakeOver is at the top of my proud Mom moments!
Dawn Reed
Janell has been a huge help to me and my family over the past several months. Not only has she helped my son and I heal from some major skin issues, she has provided guidance on health, nutrition and new recipes. She came to my house and taught me how to cook healthier and quicker meals for my family. I didn’t think quick and healthy could go hand in hand anymore, but thanks to Janell, mealtime is a lot less stressful these days. Thanks a million Janell for everything!
Kristen Featsent
I had the pleasure of meeting Janell during a family visit to Atlanta. Her approach to clean and healthy eating was very refreshing, and her knowledge intoxicating. Not only did we all have a blast preparing healthy snacks, but with kids involved in the process she was also a positive influence on my young girls.
Kristen Hosftede
Before I met with Janell, I mistakenly prided myself on knowing quite a bit about nutrition and I believed that my session with her would probably be like all the other nutritional sessions that I have tried in the past. NOT SO! Janell’s counseling session went far beyond the typical standard program. She pushed my nutritional knowledge and awareness to a new level. Janell personalized each session for my needs. At one session she even took me grocery shopping and taught me the best foods to buy and explained why I needed those foods. She also introduced me to important foods that I didn’t even know existed! Because Janell is so extremely knowledgeable and passionate about health, I found her to be very qualified, inspiring, motivational, and frankly, awesome!
Beth Johnson
I am a mother of two and take great pride in providing healthy meals for my family. I started the Paleo lifestyle (no grains, dairy or preservatives, organic, all natural) in 2012 and brought my family along for the ride. It was quite the transition and came at a time when my daughter was going through some health concerns. I quickly became overwhelmed with juggling my daughter’s health, cooking Paleo, and being on the go with kids. At this time, I met Janell and instantly became intrigued by her approach to health. After a few casual conversations at the little league baseball field, I hired Janell for a consultation. My goal was simple: To continue eating “clean” but to have more variety in our diet as well as becoming more balanced with my approach (example: incorporate a few convenient products from the store). I knew it was not realistic to think I could continue to be in the kitchen ALL THE TIME. I read so many “clean eating” blogs and have read several books, but found so much more value in sitting down with Janell to discuss MY family’s specific needs.
Thanks to Janell, I have discovered a more realistic, well-balanced approach for my family. In addition, my family will be supporting local farms (through Pantry Takeover). I plan to continue working with Janell as I believe health is an ongoing journey- not a one-time fix. I am so thankful for Pantry Takeover and highly recommend inviting Janell into your home!
My name is Robbin Riordan and Janell is a neighbor of mine… I have seen nutritionists, paid hundreds of dollars, bought the books, been set up on line and “told” what to do to get healthy to many times to count….and then proceeded to fail miserably at implementing it at home, but this time was different. Janell actually showed me how to make better choices, what to buy, what not to buy. She explained what the foods we had been choosing were doing TO us and not FOR us. YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT! Truest statement ever made and something you should think about before you take your next bite!
I am a mother of 4 very active kids – 2 boys and 2 girls. They are all involved in very competitive sports and their nutrition has become my number one priority. They depend on me to make the best choices available for them and it is my responsibility to FUEL them with the most healthy and nutritious foods I can.
I am just as busy as every other mom out there, but with a little bit of preparation, you can easily make healthy changes for the whole family. I have explained and shown my kids everything Janell taught me and now they understand why we are making these changes. They are learning more and more about food and I believe it is establishing good eating habits they will have for the rest of their lives. Seems a little dramatic I know, but food is one of the very few things you have complete control over in your life – it is a choice you make every time you sit down to eat and I want them to make healthy choices of their own. That is not to say we don’t enjoy treats here and there! Everything in moderation right?! We all feel better, look better and are more conscious of everything we eat! Thanks Janell!!
Robbin Riordan
Janell is extremely knowledgeable and has dramatically changed the way our family views the way we eat. Like many, we tried to eat in a way that was healthy but really gave very little thought to it. The best thing about Janell is that she is very down to earth. While passionate, she is definitely not fanatical. I highly recommend her to anyone who is wanting to learn about which foods and products are best to eat and/or use. Janell is always ready to give you as little or as much information as you want. She knows a great deal about the various toxins and ingredients in our foods and household products. She is always up to date on the issues going on in our food industry and is an advocate for stopping the use of potentially harmful substances. She teaches you how to go farm to table and educates you on the benefits of eating local meats and foods from farmers who do not use chemicals and who treats their animals the way God intended them to be feed and cared for. If Janell does not know the answer to something, she does not rest till she finds it!
What Medical Professionals are Saying…
Janell Sycks is what I have been looking for in a health coach for decades: she is bright, energetic, knowledgeable and caring with a breath of experience working with numerous types of diets.In the sea of “healthy foods” to eat, it can be very difficult to know what is truly healthy and good for you and what simply has a nice package but not much inside, most of us need dozens of hours to research how to choose –Janell knows the brands, the ingredients and is an incredible time-saver. Whether it be her ability to apply real-life solutions for our patients with multiple food allergies/sensitivities or to just helping someone learn how to shop for the basic food items needed for attaining optimal health, she is absolutely amazing.
Winston Cardwell, ND, Lac - Roswell, Ga
I recommend Janell and Pantry TakeOver to my patients and personally use her services with my own family. From group grocery shopping trips to wellness classes, Janell teaches people how to easily implement healthy cooking and eating into their busy lifestyles. She is very knowledgeable about products and nutrition and has helped many of my patients learn which foods and recipes are healthiest and why. Everyone could benefit from a Pantry TakeOver with Janell!
Dr. Sabrina Harrison M.D., P.C - Roswell, Ga